

Do you find yourself questioning your decisions and abilities, feeling unworthy or not good enough?

Are you tired of the harsh, critical self-talk that leaves you feeling inadequate?

How often do you compare yourself to others, struggling to find your own worth?

Is it common for you to neglect your own well-being to prioritize others' needs over your own?

Do you attract relationships & jobs where you feel undervalued or disrespected?





Are you ready to heal your heart and accept all of you?

If so, you've been led to the right place...

House of Miracles is your next "H.O.M." that will support you in finally cultivating a deep sense of self-worth and confidence. It's your time to heal past wounds and release old pain and patterns that have been holding you back to make space for your expansion, healing and growth. It's time to live life and love from your enoughness vs your inner child's pain. 

Miracles happen when you meet yourself deeper.
Are you ready to cultivate the love, life, and abundance you desire by embracing and accepting your true self?

You are your own alchemist. You can turn your pain into your greatest miracles.

You are invited to the HOUSE OF MIRACLES where YOUR MEDICINE IS WAITING TO cultivate deep intimacy withIN, WHILE receivING YOUR greatest love,simply for being Your truest self.  

Is  House of  Miracles for you?

Deep Inner Peace: Feel at ease and experience a calm, centered presence by fully accepting and loving yourself. Release anxiety and self-doubt, making space for inner serenity.

Authentic Joy: Find joy in everyday moments, celebrating your uniqueness and accomplishments. Enjoy the freedom that comes from loving yourself unconditionally.

Empowered Confidence: Step into your power with the confidence to pursue your dreams and desires. Face challenges head-on, knowing your worth is unwavering.

Loving, Healthy Relationships: Attract relationships that honor and appreciate your true self. Experience partnerships where your needs and boundaries are respected and cherished.

Emotional Freedom: Express your emotions freely without fear of judgment or rejection. Heal past wounds and move forward with a lighter heart.

Resilient Strength: Build resilience and strength to navigate life's ups and downs with grace. Foster healthier interactions through emotional intelligence.

Abundance: Embrace opportunities that recognize your worth, leading to financial success and prosperity. Attract abundance in all areas of your life as you honor your true value.

Creative Expression: Tap into your creative potential, expressing yourself freely and authentically. Feel inspired and motivated to create and pursue your passions.

Physical Well-Being: Nurture your body with self-care practices that honor your worth. Experience increased energy and vitality as you align with your true self.

Spiritual Connection: Feel a deeper connection to your spiritual path and purpose. Trust your inner wisdom and intuition to guide you towards your highest good.

Embodying true self-love and self-worth opens the door to a life filled with profound joy, LOVE, fulfillment, and abundance. Here's what you'll experience on this transformative journey:

Life is a mirror. The way that you learn about what is hidden deep in your subconscious is by what you are attracting on the outside. The only way you change your reality is by meeting yourself deeper and healing your inner world.  The self-worth and lack of self love that you are feeling shows up in all areas of your life, whether you realize it or not. You are at the center of it all and everything is a reflection of the beliefs you feel about yourself. The way you change the outside is by alchemizing what's inside. It all comes down to your programming. 

When in utero, the imprints for what you will have to learn and move through in this lifetime are coded into your DNA. These are your divine assignments. They show up in the sneakiest of ways in your life, often leaving you feeling insecure, not enough, and frustrated. You feel like a fraud, living in constant fear of being "found out" as you overcompensate and hide these insecurities with things and cause more burn out for yourself. You keep yourself stuck in a cycle of mediocrity, feeling unfulfilled knowing you are not allowing yourself to reach your true potential. These are all messages from Life. This is how you know you have been summoned to meet yourself deeper to now turn your past pain into your greatest power and miracles.

Life is requesting  the honor of your presence...

Disclaimer: This is not for you if you want to stay stuck in your resentment, anger, frustration, pain, and feelings of injustice. If you aren't interested in calling back your power to live a life, love, business, and family of your dreams, then House of Miracles is not for you. 





Your intimate coaching club where you get to feel safe and enough being you as you
receive your greatest miracles 

Here's what you can expect in the House of Miracles Membership Club. 

Bi-weekly, 90 minute intimate and personalized ONLINE group coaching and channeling tailored to you

“PRIVATE INSTAGRAM H.O.M. Community" ($350 value)
I will share wisdom and support the collective needs of the group through LIVES, stories, and posts based on what emerges through H.O.M. This will enhance the power of the calls with daily practices and reflections you can integrate by example. This helps you go beyond the awareness (this is probably as far as you've gone before) into embodying your true worthy self as your new way of being.

H.O.M. members will have access to an online portal of resources, such as guided visualizations, meditations, courses, guest speakers, and anything else that I see fit. This is additional support to allow for different layers of integration and embodiment.

Special Discounts & Incentives 
You will have special access and discounts to products, courses, retreats, and offerings 

At the House of Miracles (H.O.M.) we value ourself on flowing with Life. Together we will meet bi-weekly and allow whatever is meant to come through for one another. This space is guided by the Divine allowing for your unique messages 
 to reach you. 

Total VALUE $1897 per month
for onlY...

"Until you make the unconscious conscious,
 it will direct your life and you will call it fate."


-Carl Jung

I'm so in!


$297 per month 

"No coaching or therapy has fully helped me open up to this feeling until Nikki."

In just our FIRST session alone, Nikki was able to help me have more than one huge breakthrough around parts of me I’d been trying to understand for years. After that session I felt a complete sense of peace and compassion for myself and my body felt at ease & relaxed more than ever before.

I felt happy for the first time for simply just BEING ME and not having to achieve or earn anything to be loved. I’ve honestly been “searching” for this sense of freedom, faith and surrender for years and no coaching or therapy has fully helped me open up to it until Nikki.

      -Ali Daniel @punchdrunksoul

You are your greatest alchemist to transmute all the shit into your greatest miracles. 




Now ONLY $197 per month

For a limited time, FOUNDERS receive $100 off monthly membership fee for the term of the membership.

No contract. Cancel at anytime. 

The difference between this and other programs you may have done is 
H.O.M. will get to the deepest roots that no other mentors or
programs have gotten to before.

The people in Nicole's world feel very safe. She shares all parts of herSelf to support you in normalizing your own. 

With this safety, it allows for true depth.

Your shame, guilt, pain, fears, and secrets will suddenly melt and release.

The things you have been carrying for years suddenly dissipate, which creates space for your miracles to truly emerge.

Are you ready to join us?

I am your therapists' coach. Therapists, coaches, and healers come to me to meet themselves deeper than ever before. I am a truth serum for the women in my world. I have supported thousands of women to open up and see that it is safe to be who they truly are. It is from this place that they meet and receive their deepest desires in love and everything in between.

I am not just your guide on this journey but instead someone who has lived it all. I am a wife, mom of 4, writer, speaker, and mentor. In the last 10 years, I have recreated my entire life, love, family, career and identity one decision at a time, enabling all the miracles, by meeting myself deeper and allowing the real me.

I understand firsthand what it’s like to work with all parts of our system to come into wholeness and live from intimacy and truth. There is no greater gift we can offer ourselves, partners and the world.

Miracles are real. We are powerful alchemists that can transmute pain into our greatest desires. We just have to be willing to move past the resistance. 

I’m Nicole 

Will you join me?

If you feel like I’m speaking to your soul, I hope you trust that intuitive nudge and choose you.

You deserve to allow yourself the chance to see the magic that you truly are. That in and of itself is an act of self-love.

“I felt instant transformation.“

I was at a place in my life where I needed to heal my relationship with money so that I could move forward in my business, and I was calling in LOVE. During our coaching sessions, I felt instant transformation. Transformation that I was able to carry with me after the call and apply to my life. I felt a connection and was able to build a relationship with my inner child, a beautiful little girl that I neglected and was ashamed of. I now carry her and hold her hand PROUDLY as I move throughout my life.  

Love….I called that in as well. Almost immediately. It feels like a coincidence that my partner showed up during our first round of coaching, but I know it wasn’t. I was calling him in through our work of healing me. I’ve got my person and my match. I’ve never felt more love in my life, than I do with him.

-Diane Ferrara

“Nikki was an answer to my prayers.“

I met Nikki with a wall up around my heart. Nikki helped me knock that wall down. I remember her asking me at the beginning of our first session together what my intention of working together was and I remember answering, “To unblock all that is keeping me from conceiving”. Six months into working together I was pregnant. In addition to that though, I received so much more.

I am forever grateful for Nikki and hope that everyone gets the chance to experience her love, wisdom, and magic."

-Tara Pollifrone

"So much love entered my life."

Being supported in a healing container with Nikki has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. I don’t have enough words to describe how much love entered my life from embodying myself so fully. From moving to my dream city, to attracting an overflow of wealth, to magnetizing new friends & fun dating experiences, which led to my now fiancé.

 I’m forever grateful that Nikki helped me hold my visions high (especially through challenging moments). Nikki is such a gift, and one of the kindest and most loving souls you will ever meet! Highly recommend being in any of her spaces and working with her! 

-Betty Shen

"My coach changed my life."

I tell everyone I meet: my coach changed my life. Those are really the only words to describe what working with Nicole is like! I came to her first because I was ready to heal my love life yet it led to so much more that will be with me forever. I now have an amazing husband and two beautiful baby girls together. My life is what I always dreamed of, even though at times I felt defeating on my dating journey. My time spent with Nicole was worth every penny and I cannot recommend working with her enough.

-Lily Nicole Wall

We are all mirrors of each other walking each other "H.O.M."

Close your eyes and feel into it for a moment...

Notice the resistance that may come up. That’s a reflection of the part of you
trying to protect you. What is possible for you if you let go of all that is holding you back? Let’s journey together and allow the miracles that are hanging
out behind your protection and resistance.

Are you ready to join H.O.M?

- Daniel Regan

“As a mentor to Nikki, it was so refreshing to come across someone with such a fierce and unwavering
tenacity for getting to the core of her own self, her patterns and her unique themes, in order that she can be of the greatest service to all of the fortunate humans that she touches in this life.”

- Eileen Black

“Nicole draws women into her containers who you see yourself through. When anyone speaks on the calls, I always say, "That's me! That's exactly how I feel!" Nicole has some kind of special magic!"


House of Miracles is a shared exploration into a way of BEING that allows you to own your worth, accept yourself and call back your power to create from your truth. You owe it to yourself and the little girl inside of you that had all these dreams.

If you’re ready to meet yourself in your true power and finally see yourself, let's journey together! 


"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become."        

-Carl Jung

Please note by attending and/or participating in this experience you understand that it will be recorded, and shared with all registrants of this experience. To protect the confidentiality and privacy of all participants, you commit to keeping names, disclosing details, and this recording private. By attending and/or participating in this experience, you agree that you will not record, redistribute, sell or otherwise share this experience for any purpose on any medium. Finally, by attending and/or participating in this webinar, you give Nicole Amaturo LLC, and its and their assigns, the right to redistribute and use, without limitation, this recording, your image, likeness and the sound of your voice, for any purpose on any medium, including future teachings and content unless otherwise shared withNicole Amaturo LLC before the start of the program.

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